There is nothing quite like seeing a garden full of garden vines. I love them when they are swaying gently in the breeze, or climbing up a tall tree. It makes me feel like the garden is a true work of art. Vines can be grown almost anywhere, although I prefer to see them in natural environments. Some of my favorite garden vines are:

-Roses: Roses are some of the most beautiful vines to have outside on a patio or deck. They come in many different shapes and sizes, but in general they are used as an evergreen for trimming the hedges. They are fairly easy to grow and when pruning you get wonderful arching shapes. The best way to grow roses is by Pairing them with other plants such as sweet pea or calendula.

-Lilies: Lilies are also great evergreen vines for a garden. They come in many colors, such as white, pink, yellow, purple, and orange. Some lily varieties such as the Royal Hellebore are highly fragrant. They make a beautiful backdrop for any garden.

-Hornby Cresent: This beautiful vine ranges in color from white to a deep purple. Most of the time the Hornby Cresent will grow up on a tripod, but some do quite well when planted in a round garden. They are extremely fragrant and you’ll likely find them making quite an impression on passersby. When pruning, you will get lovely, evergreen, short-stemmed roses.

-Clementine: This vine is so beautiful that it is hard to imagine it is a real vine. If you look hard, you can barely see it! The leaves are very narrow with silver-colored petals. The leaves tend to droop over the plant, giving it the appearance of an evergreen rose. Clementine is a perennial vine that blooms between March and May each year.

-Lily of the valley: The Lily of the Valley has a long history that dates back to medieval times. These flowers were prized for their beauty and fragrance. You might be able to find the original plant growing in a garden near a Renaissance villa. The Lily of the Valley is now grown as an ornamental plant by bakers.

-Butterfly bush: Many people think the Butterfly Bush is simply a butterfly. It is actually a vine. It blooms from late spring through early summer. While it does not have the Fragrant Flower of the Month award, it definitely ranks near the top. Its bright yellow flowers attract butterflies. They will happily feed on the butterfly bush while you admire your garden.

Your garden is as beautiful as the plants you chose to grow. Vines are very useful for creating shade. They also provide your garden with shade during hot periods. If you add some flowering vines to your garden, you will have a beautiful area where you can sit, relax, or take pleasure in the beauty of nature.

-Lettuces: Lettuce plants are very attractive. They come in many colors. You can even grow them in a container. You don’t have to be an expert to grow them. You simply need to be prepared to spend a little time every week. They usually need only moderate care so you don’t have to worry too much about weeds.

-Cilantro: Cilantro adds a spicy taste to any dish. Its bitter taste can be washed away with the help of a mild detergent. When growing cilantro, ensure that you have drainage in the soil. You can also train the leaves with the help of a trellis. Vines provide the garden with lots of sun and as a result they can remain green all year round.

-Mums: Mums are very beautiful because of their large size. You can grow them in pots and then add them to the flowers in your garden. If you want your plants to remain green all year around then ensure that you plant them after the last frost. They will remain green and beautiful.

-Rhodeseed: A small shrub, Rhodeseed is a good choice for gardens containing flowering plants. It adds a wonderful smell to the air. Since it grows very fast, you can keep it near the flowering plants during the dry season. When the flowers come out, it will smother them immediately. In addition to blooming plants, rhodeseed also produces silky wool.