Who says that gardens only grow at ground level? Vines that are fast growing add vertical dimension to your landscape. Hi, I’m William Moss. I’m going to show you how to take your garden to new heights by choosing, planting, and growing versatile vines. Vines do things that other plants can’t, like scale fences, garden objects and walls. This enables them to block wind, absorb sound, and provide privacy screening and shade.

Vine grow by three methods: twining, tendriling and clinging. Twining vines such as honeysuckle, morning glory, and this wisteria, twist their stems around objects as they grow upward. These are fast-growing vines that require sturdy poles pergolas or arbors to support them. Structures clad in twining vines look great as focal points of raised beds or guard entryways. Tendril vines like clematis, grapes and passion flowers reach out and grab chain link fence, latticework, and trellis as they grow up. Plant them at the base of anything you want to adorn with flowers and foliage. Clinging vines like English ivy, Virgina creeper and and trumpet vine, grow by using aerial roots and suction cups to cling to solid surfaces. English ivy creates beautiful walls of green and trumpet vine has red flowers which invite friendly bees and hummingbirds to the garden.

Clinging vines can drape a wall or garage in lush foliage creating a green backdrop for other plants. Planting vines is easy. You can either start from seed or a potted plant. Simply the follow the directions on the back of the packet or tag and make sure they have something to latch onto they start to grow. If you’re new to growing vines, try growing annual vines like morning glories cardinal climber or pole beans on a trellis.

You can also make an easy, inexpensive tipi structure out of wooden or bamboo poles simply tied it at the top. Kids love bean tipis make a great height out on a summer day. Every landscape you use a vertical lift, ask your Lowe’s garden center expert about which vines work best in your yard. With the leafy and flowering talents of annual and perennial vines, your garden can scale to new heights..