When it comes to selecting a plant for your garden, one of the first factors that most people look at is whether or not garden shrubs evergreen are an appropriate choice. Evergreen refers to plants that will live throughout the year, instead of being seasonal, as are annuals and perennials. They can be purchased ready-to-plant, but you may want to choose some varieties that will survive the winter to grow again the following year. In this article we will explore the reasons why you should consider adding evergreen shrubs to your garden and what kinds of plants work best for them.

Most plants that are classified as evergreen shrubs do well in colder climates because they have a natural winter resistance. Some of the common names for these plants are Snowdrops, Ponderosa, and Phlox. While a single specimen of any of these plants may survive the winter on the ground, many will not. Because of this, it is a good idea to purchase plants that will survive the winter under normal temperatures.

Evergreen shrubs that are commonly found in the Southwestern United States and Canada are the Ponderosa. It is a medium sized shrub that grows up to three feet tall. The leaves of the Ponderosa stay small during the winter. However, in spring the leaves begin to blossom and the flower buds emerge. The flowers are a beautiful pinkish purple.

The Phlox shrub is another evergreen shrub that is commonly found in the Southwestern United States and Canada. The Phlox shrub starts out as a tree that grows to three feet tall. It has deciduous foliage and the flowers open with a yellow like ray. There are many varieties of the Phlox shrub and some are suitable for landscaping in the garden while others are better cut into smaller pieces for use in jams or candy.

The Dogwood shrub is another evergreen shrub that is popular as a garden shrub. It is a woody shrub that grows up to three feet tall. The Dogwood shrub is a native to North America. Some varieties are more wooded than others and they are usually found in dry forests. These shrubs do well in shaded areas or those with low traffic.

The Dogwood shrub is very common as a bonsai plant. It is one of the easiest trees to care for. These shrubs will grow well in any area where there is a warm climate. A tree disease can sometimes affect the Dogwood and this should be taken care of immediately.

The Red Maple is a beautiful evergreen shrub. It is a fast growing shrub that prefers a lot of sunlight. This shrub prefers full sunlight during the day, but it will tolerate partial shade during the evening or cooler periods of the day. The Red Maple can take neglect and still thrives. The Red Maple has deciduous leaves which turn yellow and fall off in the winter. However, they do bloom again in the spring.

The White Cedar is a deciduous evergreen shrub that can be trained to bush out. It loves a little bit of shade, but will grow well in a sunny area. The White Cedar tends to be less cold tolerant than some of the other species of shrubs. If the soil around the trunk is frozen all the time, the tree may not survive. The White Cedar is a lovely garden shrub. It makes a nice companion tree when planted along a walkway or as a trellis runner.

The Oriental Beauty is a beautiful evergreen shrub that blooms in full glory from late summer through October. It has spiny leaves and flowers that change with the season. The Oriental Beauty grows in most climates from mild to cold, dry to wet, and has many varieties. The Oriental Beauty is an ideal landscaping choice if you are looking for a shrub that blooms all year. You can train the shrub to climb up fences, arch gates or other structures by pruning back the branches, keeping the trunk upright.

The Juniper is a deciduous tree that can also be used as a garden shrub. The bark of the Juniper has sharp thorns that protect the leaves from the wind. The Juniper grows well in most climates but is best cultivated in bright but shady areas. Some of the larger varieties of Junipers may require that the bark of the shrub be removed periodically to prevent the plant from drying out. Most garden shrubs are not suitable for sunscreens due to their tendency to burn.

The Ponderosa pine is a warm season shrub that has square shaped gray flowers. The blooms are trumpet shaped. This species of shrub needs a lot of space and should be planted in well drained soils. They are a fairly easy garden shrub to grow, but you need to give them room to grow.