Containers have made vegetable gardening so much easier than the standard garden, with their easy to use, self-watering and holding capabilities. So many of us live in apartments or limited spaces and we find it very difficult to get a continuous supply of top soil for our plants to thrive in. Container gardening solves this problem by providing a continuous supply of nutrient-rich water and nutrients to the plants, whilst allowing you to move about your house freely and carry gardening tools with you. You can then sit back and relax while your crops are getting the food they need from their containers.

There are hundreds of different vegetable garden container vegetable gardening ideas and there are a huge number of plants you can grow in a small area. So many vegetables are easily grown in small pots; chives, peas, beans, peas, carrots, zucchini and peppers are perfect for container gardens. Some popular vegetables such as tomatoes, broccoli and peppers can be grown successfully in a pot if they are placed in a sunny and warm area, although some vegetables such as spinach and rhubarb would be better planted in a greenhouse. Greenhouse grown vegetables will often produce a bigger variety of vegetables than those that can be had from a container garden.

Most gardeners will agree that vegetables are the most popular plant for gardeners to grow in containers. Why is this? Planting vegetables in pots has several benefits, the first being that you don’t have to buy expensive seeds to start with. Vegetable seeds can be very expensive to buy, and they also take time to germinate and sprout, and thus may not be suitable for people with very busy lifestyles. With container vegetable gardening ideas, you can easily keep weeds at bay and just start growing plants. Some of these plants will flower and set seed straight away, meaning you’ll have seeds for next year.

If you are starting from seeds and planning on planting in the garden straight away, then you will need a container vegetable gardening ideas of some kind. You can either choose between square or rectangular planters. Square planters allow you to place a bed of plants on them and then just plunk your seeds onto the bed. This method is simple but effective. You should however make sure that your square planters are large enough to accommodate any seeds that you may decide to plant. You can make the squares a little larger than needed by putting a cushion under them or using plants that are taller than your pots.

One of the most effective and popular type of container vegetable gardening ideas is to use the plastic pots you can get from most gardening stores. These pots look great, are easy to carry around, and come in a variety of shapes and sizes. What’s great about plastic pots is that they can be used for growing vegetables year round, whereas wooden pots may only support a certain part of the plant. Wooden pots may also crack or break due to extreme temperatures or weight, which makes them unsuitable for areas where you live where it gets cold during the winter.

Another of the more traditional methods of container vegetable gardening ideas is to grow your vegetables in soil. This is the most popular way, and is also the most time consuming. There are several different types of soil, ranging from clay to sand, and can be bought from garden centers or even at a gardening supply store. You can also find special mixes to mix your soil with if you don’t like the traditional clay blend. This is a slow way to get vegetables growing, but can be a rewarding way if you have a greenhouse.

If you would rather skip the pots and planters, there are other means of getting fresh vegetables, such as hydroponics. Hydroponics is simply using water to grow plants. There are specialized planters and tools that you can buy to help you with this method, but there are some things you can do at home to help get your hydroponic garden going even faster. Buy inexpensive tomato stakes and plant them about two feet away from your seedlings. That way, when the weather turns cold, the roots won’t be frozen and dormant.

Vegetable gardening is fun and can be done indoors or outdoors. You can use plastic planters or clay pots and use whatever container you want, just make sure that the plants you get will not be weed-resistant. Vegetables can be grown for both indoor and outdoor gardens, but certain vegetables are better suited for only one particular setting. Use these container vegetable gardening ideas to choose which plants you can best do without.