Evergreen shrubs are those that do not lose their leaves or flowers. Most shrubs lose their leaves during the winter season and bloom for just one year in the spring before they drop their leaves again. Some evergreens, however, are true evergreens that live for several years. An evergreen shrub is one with an upright growth, narrow trunk, and three to four oval leaves. This type of plant has never left the ground, since it’s a seedling.

One of the most common types of shrubs is the evergreen hibiscus. A white flower sits on the stem. It blooms for two years and then falls off. This plant has many different names including hollyhock, sweet-stone hibiscus, sacred hibiscus, and iris hibiscus. The hibiscus is also known as a Bird of Paradise due to its similar look to a bird’s nest.

In the winter season, shrubs, such as the hibiscus, are very effective in keeping the area around the home warm and cozy. Some gardeners plant marigolds as a winter display. The flowers of this shrub have a strong purple and pink coloration. A common name for marigold is rosy cherry. The leaves are very aromatic and have a nutty flavor.

Evergreen shrubs are used to shade gardens and are beautiful additions. The evergreen azalea grows in every shade from light green to deep blue. This shrub requires little care because it doesn’t grow much larger than six inches tall. The azalea is a member of the evergreen family, so you won’t have to worry about killing the plants to control weeds.

Perennials such as the shrub commonly found at the nursery are fast growing and have lovely flowers. The Pohutukawa tree is an evergreen shrub found on the island of Oahu. It sports a fern-like fescue-like blooming. The flowers of this tree last only for a short time each year. The Pohutukawa tree is a good choice if you want something that will last throughout the year.

Flowers can be planted as soon as you transplant the shrub from the garden to your yard. The beauty of this shrub is that it will grow back in the spring. There is not much more you need to do other than trimming the plants regularly. Some types of evergreen shrubs will also grow and bloom for the entire season without any pruning. These include the hibiscus, the hollyhock, and the salvia which are native to North America.

You may not be aware that there are several types of non-evergreen shrubs such as the shrub named the cactus. They don’t have flowers, but they do grow long, strong branches that can provide protection from animals and some pests. The azalea is a shrub that grows tall and narrow with very attractive flowers. Many people choose the azalea because it has beautiful flowers, but it is a hardy shrub that does not need much maintenance.

The evergreen shrubs are most effective when they are planted in the winter. The best time to plant and grow these plants is in early spring until late summer. Many gardeners believe that by growing their shrubs in the winter, they will have a fully evergreen set of leaves in the fall, making them ready for the flowering season in the spring. This doesn’t hold true for all types of shrubs though. Perennials such as the shrub mentioned above should be planted in the fall or late winter, and flowering should occur in the late summer or early fall.

Some gardeners mistakenly believe that by growing their shrubs in the winter, they will have a fully green set of leaves throughout the year. The truth is, most shrubs require some care throughout the growing season. The best way to ensure this type of care is to keep your shrub well watered throughout its life. You also need to fertilize your shrub often. Other watering issues you should consider for these shrubs include:

Shrubs need a lot of sun during the day. When choosing a shrub for your garden, make sure it gets direct sunlight throughout the day. You should never plant a shrub directly behind an existing tree or bush as the roots of these trees will probably snip at the shrub. Also, these trees will also compete with your shrub. It is not a good idea to plant your shrub in direct sunlight either.

Most garden shrubs should be planted from seed. If you purchase them already planted and germinated, there is no need to water them. If you choose to plant from seed, however, it is a good idea to water them every couple of weeks during the winter. This is because the soil should be moist when you plant the seeds. If you are unable to get the ground moist enough, you may consider using a sprinkler or a herbicidal spray to help the soil moisture.