What are the best houseplants for beginners? There are hundreds of thousands of plants, many of which you probably have not even heard of. Most people tend to go with what they know, and by popular and well known plants you can pretty much assume that most of them work well. So what is it that these plants have that make them so great for gardeners?

Humidity is important to your health and well being. Some plants need a lot of it, some need a little and some barely need any at all. The best house plants for beginners are those that do not need as much humidity as other plants in the same category do. Examples of this would be to fiddle leaf figs and violets. Violets actually have less humidity than many other flowering plants, so they are a great place to start if you are on a tight budget.

Water This seems pretty self explanatory, but if you are new to garden then you may forget to water your plants. This is one of the best house plants for beginners because when you forget to water it will be more susceptible to disease. Plants that are not being cared for will generally show signs of disease more often than plants that are cared for. Some examples of this are daffodils and tulips. If you care for these plants properly they will live for years.

Bright Space If you are a beginner and you want to grow plants that will actually thrive in your home then you will need to take a look at bright space plants. These plants will thrive either in full sun or in a shaded area. They will also thrive just about anywhere else, but they do well in direct sunlight. The reason that these plants will do so well in the sunlight is because they are perfect for growing near a light source.

Humidity It is important that your house plants get proper moisture when they need it. This is why it is so important to water your indoor plants on a regular basis. When you water your plants, you are providing moisture that your plant needs to thrive. But, there are some house plants that really need their moisture a bit more than other indoor plants. These types of plants are usually drought friendly and will do well in moist or humid areas.

Variegated One of the most attractive things about indoor plants is that you can get a wide variety of color to choose from. While each type of variegation will do well in a different environment you should be aware that most will do better in a warm sunny spot but there are some variegated varieties that will do just as well in the shady areas of your home. The key to choosing the right indoor plants is to know what variegation will do best in your environment and how much direct sunlight it will get. A good example would be to choose a plant that will do well in indirect sunlight but prefer a lot of direct sunlight. If you have a plant like this in your home it will still flourish even in indirect light.

Flowering Plants While flowering house plants might not do well in the winter months due to the lack of food, there are some varieties that will thrive even in the dark. This includes the popular Easter lily. Another popular flower that will do well during the winter season is the tulip. Tulips will thrive even when planted in the fall. Some house plants that are good for winter are the orchid, crab apple tree and kidney bean. Most orchids will do equally well no matter what season it is.

Overwatering Houseplants do well when they are given enough room to recover and when they are given the right amounts of water. When you overwater your plants, you may find that they don’t survive the winter period because they are so starved for water. There are some plants that do well when over-watered, and these include the hibiscus, poinsettia and the hollyhock.