What if I told you that I have some tips to help you in choosing your indoor house plants? For years I have been a bit of an authority when it comes to growing herbs, especially herbs that grow well in pots. But even with all my experience I still get questions about how to best take care of the plant and the best way to grow them. I’m going to give you some great tips on indoor herb gardening so you can be successful too!

One tip for new gardeners is to buy your seeds and starter plants at the same time. This allows you to better control where they’re going and eliminates any problems that you might run into before you’ve got the herbs you’re going to use. If you’re new to herb gardening, I highly suggest taking a class or watching a few instructional videos on how to care for the plants. This will avoid any future problems and help you enjoy the hobby more.

One thing to consider when choosing herbs for your house plants indoor is the growing environment. Some herbs need a lot of sunlight, while others do not. Some herbs like the wind to blow on them while others prefer more indirect sunlight or shaded areas. Once you’ve chosen what kind of growing environment you have inside your home, plant the herbs you chose in that environment. Don’t try to plant everything in one room because it’s going to overwhelm your small home.

When choosing your herbs for your house plants indoors, I recommend using those that can handle minimal shade. I don’t recommend growing mint in a sunny window, it’ll only make the situation worse. I also wouldn’t recommend trying to grow herbs with a lot of heavy clay soil either, they’re too acidic for their needs. However, there are a few herbs that can thrive in clay soils, chives are one of them and red sage is another.

I do recommend at least planting one type of house plants indoor herb in every room. If you have a windowsill herb garden, I recommend that you plant mint there as well. Mint will spread quickly and easily, it will fill up your whole house in a very short amount of time. Most other herbs do better in windowsill and hanging baskets.

A couple of herbs, I would keep in the windowsill are basil and oregano. They’re easy to grow and don’t take up much room at all. Most of my house plants are grown in the windowsill, I rarely have to buy pots for them. Most of the herbs I’ve mentioned can be grown in a pot on the floor as well.

Keep in mind that many indoor herbs don’t flower until late spring or early summer. So if you choose your house plants indoor herb carefully, you’ll be able to enjoy them well into the fall. Many people start their indoor herb garden in pots and take them outside in the winter. When you start them outside, you have to be careful to make sure they don’t get too much sun as that will cause their leaves to burn and they won’t turn color.

There are a lot of wonderful house plants that you can grow in a windowsill. It’s very easy to choose which house plants to grow based on color, size, and how much you have room for them in your garden. There are other things to consider if you’re going to use your windowsill as your sole source of house plants. Windowsills often get really hot during the summer, so you might want to consider growing something else to provide heat for your house plants. Watering is another issue. You’ll need to water your plants regularly if you want them to stay healthy.