Garden shrub is the most popular choice of garden plants for homeowners. But there are many more varieties to choose from, which makes it more difficult to choose a good one. Many of you, who are new to gardening, have a very hard time in choosing what type of shrub to grow in your garden. With the vast amount of variety in type, color, height, and structure, they are all difficult to choose. One of the easiest ways to decide which garden shrub will suit you best is to look at some garden shrubs ideas pictures. These pictures can give you an idea on the different types of shrub you want to plant in your garden.

Colorful, fragrant shrub garden ideas such as ficus, gardenia, geraniums, hibiscus, Japanese spurge are some examples. They can be grown in almost any type of soil and can tolerate dry, sunny, and cold climates. Popular houseplants rose garden designs can also be used as a shrub garden design. These roses can be placed in the sun or in shaded areas, depending on the type of rose plant you want. You can have a traditional rose garden design or have a modern and innovative rose garden design that suits your taste.

Easy to maintain, low-maintenance shrub plants make perfect landscaping shrub garden design. They require very little attention as they grow naturally. Some examples of easy-to-care-for but low maintenance shrub garden ideas are alpine phlox, cleavers, and mountain laurel. Some landscaping shrub varieties that are hardy but need more care are rue, crabgrass, and evergreen oleander.

For small shrub garden designs, you can create a small garden using low maintenance yet pretty shrub varieties. African Violets, Pansy, and trailing pink willow are good examples. You can grow these plants on a small potting mix and keep them handy for unexpected blooms. You can place a single African violet plant at the base of a tree, in a pot, or in a shrub garden.

There are many types of evergreen garden shrubs, which makes it easier for you to create an evergreen garden design. A few examples of common evergreen shrub garden ideas include blueberry, crabapple, hibiscus, hollyhock, Japanese Anemone, and scabies. To make the most of these evergreens, remember to mulch them. Since they do not like extreme heat or drought, you should mulch them as often as possible during the growing season.

Small shrub garden ideas include California Poppies and Pyrus. These flowers come in several varieties, including white and blue. Both California poppy and its cousin the California poppy is native to China. These plants are very easy to grow, so if you’re looking for small shrub garden design ideas, these two are perfect plants for your landscaping plans.

Shrub borders make great small garden design ideas because they provide small pockets where you can plant new flowers or use decorative evergreen shrub borders for privacy. Since borders are evergreen, you can prune these plants to keep their shape. A great border with crabapple flowers is also easy to maintain, so if you’re looking for more permanent garden designs, crabapple would be a perfect match for your small garden design ideas.

If you want something special for your garden, why not plant a bird of paradise? This species of palm tree is naturally a native of Central America, and the trees are commonly known as butterfly palms. The flowers of this species are highly desired by local butterflies and birds, and even some cats. You can make a small garden appear bigger by using evergreen shrub garden design shrubs. In a small garden, the evergreen shrub garden shrubs can grow quite tall, and you can use them to create walkways, patios, etc. These evergreen shrub garden ideas will add interest to your yard while providing security to your family and pets.