What is the best way to take care of your house plants? Indoor house plants care, house plant care tips to keep them happy, healthy, and naturally, plus many indoor plants you possess inside have very different needs than the outdoor counterparts. Houseplants are often kept in large pots for a few reasons, and they get their required sunlight through the windows in your house. Plants in the house receive less light than those outdoors, but they also tend to be shielded from cold winter winds. You can buy cheap plastic “shelter” pots that will also help house plants from becoming damaged. They are great for holding over exposed plants that might otherwise be damaged by frost, sunlight, or rain.

Proper drainage holes should also be made for your house plants. If you don’t have any drainage holes in your pots, you’ll need to make them yourself. Simply dig two or three deep holes about two inches deep with a medium sized garden hose, then place your plant in the hole and then water the plant gently while waiting for the soil to drain. The longer your soil absorbs water, the drier it will be as you won’t have as much water on hand, thus allowing the roots to grow and stay healthier.

Most indoor house plants require lots of sunlight, however some require only partial shade. Some types of evergreen will do fine in practically any part of the house. Some types of evergreens may require special lighting, but there are plenty of low-cost, high quality supplies available at any nursery or gardening store. House plants need good drainage, so be sure to check your drainage holes. If you’re planting a pot, check it carefully for cracks or tears where water could seep in. Healthy looking indoor plants will have a healthy looking root system.

For those who have trouble growing houseplants, there is an abundance of non-conventional methods of providing the lighting and water your plants need. Some people like to use hydroponics, while others opt for regular watering or misting. It’s a personal choice that’s best determined by what you’re looking for in your indoor garden. Some people prefer the natural look and feel of growing plants in soil, while others prefer the convenience of growing plants in artificial soil.

Many people have tried using recycled newspaper to water their house plants, but this can become a real mess if not done properly. Sooner or later the paper will start to crumple and the water will run out of the drainage hole in your pots, making it difficult to water the plants again. Instead, many people have opted for a self-watering system. Self-watering systems are becoming more popular as they take advantage of nature’s bounty and work well with houseplants plants. They work much like a sprinkler system, only instead of water being sprayed into the air, it is directed directly into the soil where it can penetrate deeply and nourish your plants for a healthier indoor environment.

Self-watering systems are designed to be less wasteful than traditional outdoor houseplants plants. They are made with drip emitters that direct the water into the soil. This process helps to conserve resources, allowing you to use less water on a weekly basis, or on a monthly basis, depending upon how frequently you water. This type of gardening also allows you to keep your soil organic, unlike most other types of gardening where most of the nutrients in the soil have been washed away.

If you aren’t sure about how to care for your indoor house plants, it might be a good idea to hire a professional. There are plenty of companies that specialize in indoor plant care. Many of these companies offer free consultation visits and will come to your home to give you a detailed look at your indoor plants’ needs. It is a good idea to take advantage of this service, as it can save you a lot of time and hassle of trying to figure out how to best care for your houseplanted plants.

One important thing to remember when caring for your house plants is watering them on a regular basis. If you do not water your plants, they will not thrive. As with anything, excessive watering can result in wilting or even damage to your plant. A healthy looking plant needs approximately 1.5 pints of water per week, so start out with a small amount and see how you do with it. Watering weekly is usually best, although some cases may call for daily watering. Whatever you choose to do, keeping your plant watered is an important part of its upkeep.